Do Custom Cabinets Increase the Value of Your Home?

You might be wondeirng what you can do to increase the worth of your property if you intend to sell it at some point. The most profitable home improvement projects are kitchen cabinets and other popular improvement choices that will yield a fantastic return on investment. Custom made cabinets get a lot of focus in today’s top criteria attracting potential homeowners to a house. Kitchens are no longer just a place where you cook food to be served to the family. With modern designs, kitchens have become a space where families spend quality time together after a long day of work.

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How to design custom kitchen cabinets

As it has been seen continually, functionality will always be the cornerstone of good design. However, this does not mean that you have to compromise on style. It simply means finding a design great enough to look jaw-dropping while also offering the highest functionality. Therefore, you should think about what you would use the item for and where you would install it when you are thinking about custom cabinetry for your home. Asking yourself such questions will help you to determine whether custom cabinetry is still calling your name. If it is, you’re in for an exceptional homeowner experience that has several advantages.

Choosing your style and the feel of your home as a whole is a brilliant place to start when creating the aesthetic of your kitchen cabinets. Is it modern, conventional, lofty, or rural? To meet your various needs, various materials can also be employed, such as concrete, glass, or wood. Metal and concrete are pretty modern, whereas wood and glass are classic. The pantry storage units and built-in kitchen drawers are the most popular designs for custom made cabinets. If you’ve never done it before, designing custom cabinets for your kitchen can be really difficult. Therefore, it is best if you get assistance from professionals.

If you are struggling to think of the perfect design, search for examples online. Then, combine a few to create your own, or just duplicate the design you like the most closely you can. Using the software, you can create a conceptual cabinet design if you’re unsure how to design your cabinets’ doors and shelves. This will allow you to see the greatest possible placement of your kitchen cabinets to increase efficiency. Nowadays, there are tens of thousands of places on the Internet where you may find many designs, so taking your time will be worthwhile.

How much do custom cabinets cost?

Despite being investments in and of themselves, custom cabinets are the main attraction for contemporary buyers and enthusiastic remodelers. Cabinets are the first thing a person notices when they enter a kitchen and the last thing they would glance at as they assess a kitchen. Upgrading your cabinets gives your kitchen makeover a substantial visual benefit and significantly raises the value of the home. They are at the forefront of your thoughts when you think of the room, and they will probably be the very first thing your potential purchaser notices when describing the space to a friend or coworker.

Undermount cabinet lighting accents, which assist in creating a captivating and elegant atmosphere in the kitchen space and offer a delicately manicured space that flourishes on first impressions, come second to new bespoke cabinets as the cherry on top. In addition to highlighting your kitchen cabinets, under-mount lights also draw attention to the new worktops, appliances, and other fantastic elements you’ve purchased, transforming your utilitarian kitchen into a unique display.

You will have to pay a lot of money to have a custom-made cabinetry set, depending on its size and style. Custom cabinets are made only for you and your unique requirements; nobody else is the target audience. Hence, you will also need to make room in your budget for a piece that is unique. But keep in mind that these pieces are an investment which would increment your property value or even last you generations if you do not plan on selling the house off. Open shelves versus drawers, the kind of Finish, the size of the cabinets, and the hardware used are just a few of the variables that will affect the price of the job.

There is thus no estimate about how much it would cost you. What you can do is consult a hardware store owner or a carpenter to get an estimate of how much you can expect to spend. The cost would also be affected on the basis of whether you choose to do the project yourself or hire help. If you hire carpenters, you would also have to pay the labour cost. However, if you are not a pro at this level of renovation, do not even try it. DIY-ing this just to cut corners would result in improperly finished and unpolished-looking kitchen cabinetry, and isn’t that just counterproductive to the original purpose of remodeling?

Factors Affecting Custom Cabinets Cost

Drawers versus open shelves

In comparison to sets of drawers, which call for more supplies and hardware, a sequence of open shelves would not cost nearly as much.

The kind of Finish

Your customized cabinetry’s cost may also be affected by the Finish you choose. This is because the cost of lacquer and paint finishes, for instance, varies. A lot of unique pieces by several online vendors are pre-painted and delivered to the construction site by the vendor. As a result, if you purchase such custom pieces, you would save not only time and effort but also some bucks on supplies and labor. As a result, the furniture is able to last longer and function as a piece of furniture entirely on its own after being installed in a house.

Size of the cabinets

The customized piece of kitchen cabinet will cost more the larger it is. Since custom cabinets can be somewhat expensive, the size is often dictated by your spending plan. In order to gain a general idea of the cost of supplies, some designers also use design programs that note dimensions to build mockups. This method might help you determine the size of cabinets you can buy within your price range quickly. You will need to take dimensions and placement incredibly seriously since customized cabinetry is semi-permanent.

Type of Hardware

Exposed hardware like knobs, handles, and pulls will need to be purchased according to the type of cabinetry. Many homeowners believe that all of the hardware in their house must match, yet this mindset can result in a room that is boring and unattractive. When choosing hardware, combining and contrasting materials can inject a much-needed dose of newness. The character that comes from combining several types of gear on one unit is something you would lose if you went for a uniform appearance. Hardware can be pricey. Therefore it is advised that homeowners allocate money for these costs in their budget from the beginning. If you don’t, you might find it challenging to make decisions you love and may have to let go because you didn’t budget well.

How do custom cabinets increase home value?

Now that we have unequivocally established that custom kitchen cabinets can significantly increase the value of a house let’s assess why that really is. What makes custom cabinets so attractive, and why do people incline towards paying a little more if there are unique cabinets in a house? Let’s find out:

  • Customized Cabinets Increase Storage Capability: Custom cabinets can increase the storage space in your home, which is a great selling advantage since potential buyers want to have extra space for storing their belongings. This is, in particular, true if your custom cabinetry is designed to perfectly fit the design of the rest of your home. The increased storage space is a big plus in the eyes of potential buyers, thereby driving up the property values efficiently.
  • Custom-built cabinets could be a component of a kitchen renovation project: The kitchen is frequently the section of a house that potential buyers are most interested in remodeling when considering interior changes. This is so since it’s the room that’s used the most. The kitchen serves as the central gathering place in your home because it is where you prepare and eat meals and where visitors often congregate. Knowing this, including custom cabinetry in the remodeling of your kitchen can produce excellent benefits. An easy and affordable method to update your kitchen and wow potential buyers is to install a new set of custom kitchen cabinets.
  • Enhanced look of the kitchen: People everywhere are tired of the same old look of the typical kitchen. However, not everyone is able to commit themselves to doing something about it. Some people cannot find the time, while others just get overwhelmed by how big this undertaking is. Either way, people are much more open to paying a little premium if they get a unique or customized space that is not run-of-the-mill looking. The enhanced look of the kitchen is thus a great plus in favor of custom made cabinets, and if you can afford to and find the time to, you should go ahead with these renovations.

As is clear, it is essential to ensure that the end product of this project is a beautiful-looking kitchen. In this pursuit, it is only advisable to hire contractors to get the job done for you in an efficient and flawless manner. Contractors or cabinet design companies that do this work every day will not make any severe mistakes that any rookie (or DIY-er) can make. This would lead to less wastage of hardware and supplies, efficient work, quick turnaround of the end product, and a gorgeous end product made perfectly as per the dimensions and your specific requirements.

Customize cabinets without complete renovation

If you don’t have the money to renovate all of your cabinets, do not worry, there are other things that you can try. In order to customize your kitchen cabinets without putting in a lot of work, you can update your kitchen cabinets by the following methods:

  • Cabinet refinishing

A professional renovator can easily take off the current Finish on your kitchen cabinets and replace it with the Finish of your choice. This is perhaps one of the easiest and quiet ways to get a fresh look. However, this is simple enough for anyone with some skills in cabinet renovation to do by themselves. You can choose to paint the cabinets a different color, change their pulls and knobs, add underlighting, and create patterns and textures; the options are quite a few.

  • Cabinet refacing

Alternatively, you can opt for a cabinet-refacing solution. A refacing adds new cabinet doors and drawers in addition to everything that is included in a refinishing. Refacing cabinets will increase the value of your property, similar to a cabinet renovation, but not cost you as much money as getting custom built kitchen cabinets. In short, this is a complete remodel of the cabinets without the added expense, time, or effort. Drawers and doors for the cabinets can be easily purchased and mixed and matched together, which removes the need to build them from scratch, hence costing you less. Additionally, since the contractor can buy or you can buy the drawers and cabinet doors yourself, there would be less labor cost. The added requirement of building each of these elements significantly adds to the expenditure which would be saved this way.


In a recent study, 80% of homebuyers ranked the kitchen as one of the top three most crucial rooms. Typically, when looking at a kitchen, buyers notice (and remember) the cabinets first. Therefore, it is crucial for homeowners to use good judgment and start planning the finest kitchen cabinet renovation possible because custom cabinets provide many advantages for homeowners, including greater aesthetic appeal, increased organization, and functional improvements. It will not only increase the value of the property but will also make you happy and be helpful to you when you use them. It’s a small thing, yet it can instantly improve your mood.

Rines Design is the best cabinet maker near Meridian Hills & Broad Ripple, IN area. We offer various choices for custom-made cabinets including cabinet designs, different finishes, customized features, and custom size and shape combinations.

Contact us today to discuss your project and get a free estimate.

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